Hell again,
Heads up guys & gals...currency pairs that's worth looking into...look at the wonderful candlestick pattern that has emerged...
"Whatever you do, whether you bet with the herd or against, think it through independently first."
A formal education can make you a living. A self education can make you a fortune.
Not seeing the potential of the day taught me many lesson. Here are two important ones.
"People who buy headlines eventually end up selling newspaper."
Risk Disclosure
Trading foreign currencies is a challenging and potentially profitable opportunity for educated and experienced investors. However, before deciding to participate in the Forex market, you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience and risk appetite. Most importantly, do not invest money you cannot afford to lose. There is considerable exposure to risk in any foreign exchange transaction. Any transaction involving currencies involves risks including, but not limited to, the potential for changing political and/or economic conditions that may substantially affect the price or liquidity of a currency.
Moreover, the leveraged nature of FX trading means that any market movement will have an equally proportional effect on your deposited funds. This may work against you as well as for you. The possibility exists that you could sustain a total loss of initial margin funds and be required to deposit additional funds to maintain your position. If you fail to meet any margin call within the time prescribed, your position will be liquidated and you will be responsible for any resulting losses. Investors may lower their exposure to risk by employing risk-reducing strategies such as 'stop-loss' or 'limit' orders. Layman Forex Trading, and any of its affiliates, will not be held responsible for the reliability or accuracy of the information available on this site. The content provided is put forward in good faith and believed to be accurate, however, there are no explicit or implicit warranties of accuracy or timeliness made by Layman Forex Trading or its affiliates.
By using the Layman Forex Trading website, the reader agrees not to hold Layman Forex Trading, or any of its affiliates, liable for decisions that are based on information contained on this website. Information found anywhere on this website. The reader agrees not to hold Layman Forex Trading, or any of its affiliates, liable for products or services that are bought based on the recommendations found on this website, or for any partnerships or other dealings that may originate on this website, private messaging, or any other source. Layman Forex Trading highly recommends that before making a decision, the reader collects several opinions related to the decision and verifies facts from at least three independent sources. Trading is a risky business and you should therefore never make a decision based solely on the information found on this or any other website.