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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hi All !!!

Here is my trade results base on the 1st week of September. I am quite happy with the results...although it was a roller coaster week for me as I test out my new strategy for the month of September.....I am proud to say that I did it the Layman way...

With Layman Forex Trading Syatem Strategy...I am not out to proof that I am better than the experts, nor am I out to woo people by asking them to sign for any courses hence earn money from's simply a gentle reminder that we layman don't have to be a fool by joinning Forex schools just to find out that it's only the fundamentals that they will teach....& at the end of the day what they will always say is "you have to come up with your own winning strategy" think about it....

Enjoy the weekend !!! & remember my way is the layman way....

"Worry is not a sickness but a sign of health. If you are not worried, you are not risking enough"


Nick Lee said...

great work done!

glad your that new formula is working perfectly fine.

And you are #1 on google, for you know what keyword!

Mahaguru said...

Thanks mention, when you are ready to trade Live..I will teach you the Layman way of trading Forex...