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Monday, September 14, 2009

Reward Yourself For A Job Well Done !!!

Hello Again !!!

As you can see, in the pics is a hard to find HOTTOYS "BATMOBILE" !!!...I was aiming for this toy for quite awhile & since I had a great returned in Forex this week, so i decided why not reward myself for a job well done...hence went & got it for a hefty price...

The last known highest price was estimated USD 620 !!!, the story was that production for this wonderful product has been ceased, so prices has been jack up...nevertheless, it was afterall my birthday anyway so what the hey !!!

Remember!!! Layman Forex Trading System is the layman way !!! & always reward yourself for a job well done....

"Worry is not a sickness but a sign of health. If you are not worried, you are not risking enough"

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