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Friday, February 12, 2010

Trade Results

Open Positions: 3
Closed Positions: 3
Total In Pips: 540.9
total In Profits: 540.90

I have not open any new positions this week, results was based on last week trade setup that I did not close as I was testing with my new strategy on how the results will differ from last week if I did not closed them...

Now that all the signs are telling otherwise, so I exit the trade hence here was the end results...

Have A Great CHINESE NEW YEAR everyone !!! cause I am off to my Holiday again...see ya when I see ya ;)

"Assimilate into your very bones a set of trading rules that works for you"

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Trade Results

Open positions: 8
Closed Positions: 8
Total In Pips: 1943.7
Total In Profits: $2016.41

Since my last post...I've mention about my new found strategy, well here is the end results for the strategy that I have put in play...

Honestly, it was a roller coaster ride for me, when I put my theory into practical mode...nothing beats the real thing as your adrenaline rush through your veins as you watch your assets grow or shrink right before your very eyes !!!

Was thinking of holding it longer as the signs are showing trendline is still in play, but advise from a dear friend, says I should learn from my past mistakes...remember the post "What was I thinking"...never gonna repeat that damn mistake again...hehehhehe

Thanks for the wake up call bro...enjoy the weekend you all!!!

"Assimilate into your very bones a set of trading rules that works for you"

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Trade Results

Open Positions: 5
Closed positions: 5
Total In Pips: 510.6
Total In Profits: 495.39 is the results base on my new strategy...not that impressive...easily could have closed at 800 plus pips...but since I am running a test on my new strategy, I just have to see how far it can go in terms of pips...nevertheless I still need to earn for this week trade, so I decided to closed the trade that was open from last week...I have no choice but to leave only 1 trade open for my test run...

There is still hope for this strategy to work it's magic...unless all the signs says otherwise....hehehehe

"Assimilate into your very bones a set of trading rules that works for you"

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Potential New Strategy That Might Come In Handy...

Hello everyone,

Just a heads up on the current strategy that I have been conjuring...seems that I have had great results on a successful trade setup, based on a new findings on how to plot for an entry positions.

Bear in mind that I have a successful trade winnings in the 1st place, & that is the reason why I was able to execute & test out this strategy to it's fullest...honestly, it was kinda risky, but I have been monitoring it close to about 2 months...finally got the guts to put it in we shall see the outcome come monday...

Have a great weekend !!! Till next week...

"Assimilate into your very bones a set of trading rules that works for you"

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Trade Results

Open Positions: 9
Closed positions: 9
Total In Pips: 919
Total In Profits: 921.09

It was a hell of a week !!! I am down with a sore throat, fever & flu. Always drowsy in front of my screen & at times fall asleep while conjuring up a workable trend line...heheheh...

What a rocky start to a beginning of the week right, signals are there indicating trend lines emerging be it bearish or bullish, but strong resistance was at work most of the times, hence making me more sick as I was unable to focus on my trade setup....nevertheless candlestick pattern never fails me...

It was worth all the effort...& that my friends is what I call "SICK MANAGMENT"....hahahahaha....

Sorry about the lame joke...just want to cheer myself up... ;)

"Assimilate into your very bones a set of trading rules that works for you"

Monday, January 25, 2010

I Am So Sad....


I am so sad...just find out that I am being "branded" or shall I say become another topic of another's so contradicting I might someone's success will always be another man's jealousy...that my friend is a classic in the making.

On my earlier posts...I will say again !!! I represent no school, had no exterior motives or personal gains...nor am I challenging anyone... I am just a guy who simply putting a lid on someone's mouth !!! hahahahaha....yeah !!! you know who you are !!!

Remember layman...does not mean you don't go to them Forex courses you aren't gonna make it...& even if they did go, it does not mean that you can't be better than them in trading...I have proven that in my never degrade someone integrity or question their ability...

Honestly I've seen & read enough....your standard is by far "TOO HIGH" for me to compete...such complexity in your twist of words & advise...that is so ambiguous of you, but then again, bet you on a 100 lot that from this topic you sure got all the the saying goes "YOU ARE ON YOUR WAY THERE" so no comments on that... :)

"Assimilate into your very bones a set of trading rules that works for you"